
Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition

26 Sep, 2024

Tack Ching Girls' Secondary School (Aff.) vs. Concordia Lutheran School (Neg.)

Adjudicator: Tsung Tsin Christian Academy

Winner: TCGSS (Aff.)

Best Debater: 5A 01 Bano Muntaha


Our School’s English Debate Team are eager to care about various social issues and to upgrade their English skills through intensive practice with coaches and debating competitions. In Debating Competition Round 1, participants of both Schools gained valuable advice from coaches and the adjudicator to further stretch their potential in making more persuasive speeches. Our girls made great efforts, and won in this round. They are becoming stronger and stronger through active participation and self-discipline. Now, they are confident to meet higher goals for the next round in November.

Well done to all participants!

Team members:

1st Speaker: Natalie Chong

2nd Speaker: Kaniz Fatima

3rd Speaker: Bano Muntaha