
Victory in English Debate Match

24 Feb, 2023

The school English Debate Team won the match of the second round of the 22-23 Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (HKSSDC) over the motion—"This house believes that short term volunteering in developing countries by youth from developed regions is beneficial to developing countries” and we were the negative team.

The strenuous and tremendous effort put in by the team members, Qadeer Imaan (5B), Khan Urash (5D) and Li Hei Tung Tasia (3E) paid off by impressing the adjudicator with the concrete arguments plus convincing evidence made, edging the counterparts from C.U.H.K.F.A.A. Chan Chun Ha Secondary School.

Imaan from 5B was selected the best speaker of the match. Congratulations!